Saturday, June 1, 2013

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Kate Hill is fleeing from her abusive boyfriend when her bus breaks down in rural Iowa. With her abuser in pursuit, she seeks sanctuary with an Amish family after hiding in their buggy. She discovers a world unlike hers in many ways: full of love and sense of family that she had never experienced in her own world. But with the love also come prejudice and a faith that she has never experienced before.

Nathan Fisher is an innocent Amish man questioning his faith after the loss of his family. Struggling on his own to keep his family’s farm working, he discovers his guiding angel when the English woman becomes his inspiration to his heartsick soul. He knows it would be wrong to fall for this woman, whom the Bishop says is merely temptation to lead him astray. But perhaps that is what his God has sent for him. A fresh start, even if it means the risking all he has ever known.

Kate must overcome the prejudices of a guarded community and confront the harsh brutality of her world when it comes to find her in order for her to find a life she can be proud to live. Nathan must find his lost faith while battling the forbidden desire he has for the Outsider that would surely leave him shunned from all he has ever known should he give into his feelings.

Together they will discover that love can break down boundaries in cultural differences, and heal broken faith.

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Buy Links: Amazon | Smashwords

My Review:

What did I think?? I have been following this author forever and was chomping at the bit for the story to publish.

I loved the story so much I wanted to hug everyone around me!


And yes, this is a dreaded P2P, but you know what...

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 I know this story. I could practically recite it to you word for word, that's how much I loved it and have read it many times. I never get bored with it. Really just a good story and that's what we all want, a good story where we are engaged, entertained, feel and just *sigh* when finished. It was one of the best stories posted...ever.

Now, if you are on the con side of P2P, I am not going to change your mind, and that's OK. But if you are a fencer like I was, Healing Faith is not to be missed!

Jennyfer Browne did an amazing job of reworking her story.

Oh! On a sidebar, the author self published and the formatting was perfect!! That in itself is worth mentioning. I can't tell you how many times I've read a self published story with crossed eyes because of the formatting. Kudos JB.

It is the same story but not the same story. There were significant changes made to the story.

The family dynamic is not the same. The mom has passed away, there is an older sister, and the father is a city councilman. There is also the addition of a sister in the adoptive family. These changes alone changed the characterizations and overall feel of the story.

There were large chunks of the story removed and some new material added. The characterizations were beefed up and broadened. One thing that did not change, the prose. The story is extremely well written, engaging, entertaining, loaded with emotions, drama, and a flow that you just sail along with. And even though this is a trilogy, book 1 ended smoothly and evenly. It stands on it's own, even if you didn't want to continue with the rest of the series you would be fine. Again, kudos JB.

The story is about Kate who is fleeing for her life from her abusive boyfriend. Her sister Stacey is away at school in Chicago and has offered her refuge. Kate's father is to busy to admit things are not right between Kate and Sean, but turns a blind eye to it. On her way to her sister, the bus breaks down in rural Iowa, near an Amish community. As luck does not seem to be part of Kate's world, Sean has followed her. Kate escapes in the back of an Amish buggy and is offered sanctuary by the family. The family grows to love Kate and Kate them. It is the first time Kate has felt at peace and truly belonged. The first time she has felt deserving of love and kindness.

Then she meets Nathan.

Oh Nathan. He has lost his faith and way. His entire family passed away suddenly of sickness why he was away at missionary school with the Bishop. He struggles to find meaning...a struggle that ends but adds to his confusion with Kate. She is a forbidden fruit, an English and not of his world. But the attraction is instant and they are soon drawn together.

Now the story is simplistic in it's nature. Boy meet girl. Instant attraction. Forbidden love. Us against the world. But it is so much more than "that" story line. There is a passion in the author's writing. It just oozes emotion and feelings. I found myself completely absorbed by these two and their day to day interactions. Their courtship was very sweet. And Nathan's poetry was just breathtaking! I hung on every word and found myself imitating his gentle voice in my mind as I was reading. Yep, I could hear him speaking to me.

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 And it wasn't all sweetness going on. There were little touches here and there tempting them both, some in the community felt Kate would lead Nathan astray and away from their way, mainly the Bishop. And there was still Sean on the lose and relentlessly hunting down Kate. Definitely some action interwoven.

This was a story about love, acceptance, finding ones way, and becoming a part of a greater good in their world.

It is a definite must read for the summer!

ARC was provided by the author after I relentlessly stalked her. See...stalking definitely has it's benefits! Now for Book 2 Jennyfer!!!  *GrabbyHands*

Absolutely loved this story and will forever be stalking the author! Review will also be posted on my Loved These shelf on Goodreads.

Author Info:

Jennyfer Browne has always been a sucker for a good love story- a complex recipe with a dash of dashing, a pinch of heroism, and a hefty dose of outside forces that test young lovers. Seasoned with tears and laughter, followed by a sprinkle of happy sighs fill out the perfect recipe. 

Jennyfer also enjoys pie. 

Ms. Browne lives in California with her wonderful husband and adoring son, where she enjoys the beach and sailing off on further adventures.

{ 1 comments... read them below or add one }

  1. You are amazing my sweets! Tears in my eyes reading this. Thank you so much for the wonderful and sweet words! I am so glad you have enjoyed this story- from the very beginning. Having such a wonderful supported such as yourself makes every late night frantic freak out over formatting and style worth it!
    Thanks for everything and you can definitely look forward to an advance advance of the next book! Stalk away ;)
    Love you my dear!
